The heat is on! This summer has been especially warm and thinking back our 90 degree heat started in late May. We have now had 48 plus days of heat above 90 degrees and will possibly surpass 2011 and 1980 with 90 plus days of 90 degree days.

We are experiencing large amounts of unusual heat related plant stresses. There are Arborvitae experiencing foliage burn where they are positioned in full sun. Some Japanese Maples are experiencing leaf scorch on leaf margin tips. The heat definitely puts the plants in stress so maintaining a healthy environment for the plants is very important as the plants continue to endure the summer heat.
Water. Sounds obvious, water helps the grass and plants by cooling the leaves and grass blades of plants and grasses. Of course it supplies water to the roots in which are necessary for survival, but the cooling effect known as "Syringing" cooling the plant's micro climate is extremely beneficial during these super hot 90 plus degree days. It's not necessarily that the plants need the water but water turned on during the hottest part of the day can certainly cool the plants down and reduce plant stress.

Pine straw or mulch applied around the roots of the plants will help insulate the roots of the plants and help to retain moisture to the roots. Mulching plants is critical to keep plants healthy. Please make sure you have a good layer of new mulch or straw on your property.
Afternoon wilt of Hydrangeas and other shrubs may be seen in direct afternoon heat. It is important to monitor the plants and make sure they are not in continue decline. Large leaf plants will wilt faster than small leaf plants due to the leaves having more surface area and in turn lose more water through their leaves.
The Gibbs managers and crews are watching and maintaining the flower beds, keeping an eye on Begonias that are suffering from the excessive heat. Fungicides are being applied to all color beds. Annuals are running through their life cycle a bit quicker due to the sunny hot days faster than normal. We are doing everything we can to prolong their existence until we change out to fall annuals in October. Please bear with us as flower beds are suffering from Mother Nature's harsh summer.
Turf rounds are in full swing for the warm season and cool season turf and broadleaf and nutsedge weeds are being controlled with a selective herbicide. Iron applications are also being applied to the fescue turf. Pre-emergents are wearing off in the fescue turf as we are just 4-5 weeks away from aerate and over seeding. As pre-emergents wear off as necessary, there is chamber bitter, dove weed and dallisgrass beginning to invade. These are also be controlled by a selective herbicide.

This is typically the season for Army worms and Grub worms to attack our turf. We are monitoring now and will continue over the next 6 - 8 weeks. We have just heard reports of Army worms in Alabama so we will continue to comb through the lawns. If you do see birds feeding on the lawn, please let your manager know immediately as this could be a sign that we have Army worms.
School is back in session and we have met with all our teams to remind them of school safety zones and bus stops throughout the neighborhoods.
Thank you so much for the privilege to maintain your landscapes. We truly appreciate each and every one of our clients.
Peter Copses
Vice President
As winners of over 275 awards, Gibbs Landscape Company offers a proven track record of creative, quality landscape design and maintenance. Our team of highly trained, qualified Landscape Architects and horticulturalist can design and maintain a landscape that will add value to your property for years to come. You deserve the best in landscape design/build and maintenance…you deserve Gibbs Landscape Company.