July Landscape Newsletter
In July we typically talk about how hot it's been. However, this year has been different. We are experiencing a mix of hot temps and also a lot of moderate temps along with large amounts of rainfall. This type of weather is good and bad. Plant material is getting plenty of water but many plants that do not like as much water such as select perennials and annuals are having fungal problems and root rot. We are actively looking for this and treating as necessary. Please make sure you do the proposed turf fungicides as this will keep your lawns looking great this summer. Our managers and teams are reporting and treating Azaleas for Lace Bugs and Spider Mites on Laurels and other shrubs and small trees. Our tank mixes for shrubs always include fertilizer and fungicides each time we target for insects to ensure overall plant health.

The maintenance crews are being careful to pay attention to the wet turf when they arrive on property. If we feel turf is too wet to mow we will skip mowing that week to protect the overall health of the turf. Light pruning of shrubs and lots of deadheading occurring in the gardens we maintain. Perennials are being deadheaded; like Hosta, Rudbeckia, Daylilies, and phlox.

July also is the month that is typical for pine straw or mulch applications. Pine Straw has usually degraded by June or July and the garden is ready for a new application. Pine straw and mulch serve the garden well for many reasons: aesthetics, soil moisture control, insulation for the roots, weed control, and erosion. To protect your garden and ornamental plant material a new thick layer of pine straw or mulch needs to be applied now.

Many thanks and appreciation to all of you, our customers. We work very hard to train our employees to be the best each week for you. We also practice safe applications and keep safety for you and our employees in the foreground every day. Thanks for your business and allowing us to serve you each week!
Peter Copses
Vice President
As winners of over 300 awards, Gibbs Landscape Company offers a proven track record of creative, quality landscape design and maintenance. Our team of highly trained, qualified Landscape Architects and horticulturalists can design and maintain a landscape that will add value to your property for years to come. You deserve the best in landscape design/build and maintenance…you deserve Gibbs Landscape Company.