Happy Spring to all of you and your gardens that are coming alive from the mild winter that we had this year. This Spring is starting out as one of our busiest ever. When Spring/Summer is followed by a mild Winter we are all in store for a rapid regrowth and development and all sorts of surprises good and bad. The good news is that the Gibbs' Managers and Teams are well educated and prepared for what this Spring will bring.

Azaleas, Dogwoods, Redbuds, Spireas, Viburnums, Forsythia, fiddleheads on Ferns and perennials have been outstanding this year. Fescue turf is gleaming right now and is receiving another blast of liquid fertilizer this month perfectly timed with the weather. By performing all of our turf fertilization and weed control treatments in house we can control timing of product application. This delivers better results. Warm season turf is just now coming out of dormancy and is greening nicely. Let's hope that weather doesn't dip to below 33 degrees before the 15th of April. If so, we may see a delay of greening for another 3-4 weeks.
Granular fertilizers for shrubs will be completed this month and liquid rounds to follow through the summer months.
We are anticipating some heavier than normal disease and insect pressures this year from the mild winter that we just experienced. Managers and crews are on the lookout for Cercospora needle blights on conifers, Phomopsis blight on conifers, Volutella blight on Boxwoods and early insect population swings. We have had an early Aphid population and crews have been managing those very quickly. Tree and shrub injections are always the best preventative on susceptible plant species.
Poa annua and Poa trivialis continues to be the worst weed in fescue in the nation and has now continued its aggressive foothold in the Southeast. We are all anxiously anticipating for the scientists in the labs to help us all out with this grassy weed.
Crews are pruning on all properties right now, making thinning and corrective cuts and shaping shrubs for the continued onset of new leaf growth that the shrubs will develop over the next 6 months. Pruning is top priority each week to ensure overall healthy plant material.

Installation of new outdoor entertaining areas combined with new turf, trees and shrubs are the best way to create additional value to your properties. Hot trends now are outdoor entertainment, cooking and lawn game areas for family and friends. Contact your manager and they can put you in contact with our 5 Landscape Architects on staff who can help you with your design/build projects.
Look forward to more blooms out there coming from new Summer Annual Flower installations. Our Seasonal Flower Designers have been busy all Winter designing new color combinations and new varieties of flowers for all your seasonal flower beds and containers. Our flower installers are trained and ready for the next wave of flower installations.
Thank you so much for allowing us the privilege to service you and your properties.
Peter Copses
Vice President
As winners of over 300 awards, Gibbs Landscape Company offers a proven track record of creative, quality landscape design and maintenance. Our team of highly trained, qualified Landscape Architects and horticulturalists can design and maintain a landscape that will add value to your property for years to come. You deserve the best in landscape design/build and maintenance…you deserve Gibbs Landscape Company.