June 2016 Newsletter
Happy June as we welcome summer's arrival on June 21st!

Turf is on all of our radar as Brown Patch in Fescue will become devastating to fescue lawns without the use of fungicides. Fungicide applications are a must in order to keep the turf from dying these next 3-5 months. Our Managers can offer you the proper fungicide program and automatic timing for these rounds.
Bermuda and Zoysias will receive their granular fertilizer round with slow release Nitrogen to continually feed over the next 4-6 weeks and then followed with another round of fertilizer. Fescue will be treated with liquid iron and micro nutrients through the summer months. Weeds in turf will be targeted and our Crews and Managers will alert our Hort Services crews to treat with selective herbicides.
Azaleas are being pruned and will be completed soon. Crews will be deadheading roses as they finish flowering. All spring flowering shrubs will be pruned after flowering. Pruning will consist of thinning and shaping the shrubs. Perennials are starting to flower and will be deadheaded weekly as needed. Daylilies, Cone Flower, Rudbeckia and Bee Balm have started blooming and are great attractors of pollinating insects and Hummingbirds.

Hydrangeas are in full bloom. Oakleaf Hydrangeas have started as well as macrophylla and Annabelles. Limelight Hydrangeas will start later this month.
Shrubs will be fertilized and treated with fungicides and a general insecticide this month. Insects on the lookout for are Lacebug on Azaleas and Spider Mites. With the mild winter these two insects are showing large populations this year.
Crews will be getting the landscape ready for mulching. Mulching is important to do in June - July to freshen the beds and help retain moisture and keep the roots insulated from the heat of the summer. We can't stress how important this is to the health of your garden.
Irrigation monitoring is very important and we want to be in full communication so that we are doing our best to not waste water. If you see something unusual at your Residence please feel free to bring it to the attention of the crew or manager.
June is National Safety Month and I can assure all of you that our HR department has our managers and crews focused.
We have already run across Copperheads in the landscape and want to make everyone aware. You may have seen where a Canton landscaper was bitten last year. Copperheads are not out to get humans or dogs and cats but when startled or surprised they can strike. The more activity in your landscape the lesser chances of Copperheads. Copperheads do have a natural enemy and that is the King Snake. King Snakes would be beneficial in the landscape as they fight Copperheads away for territory in nature.
Boxwood Blight has been identified in Fulton County last month. Boxwood Blight is a plant nursery born blight that comes in on the container grown plants of mainly Buxus suffruticosa. These infected Boxwoods once planted in the landscape could cause the disease to spread to other species of Boxwoods that are in the garden. We are very aware and alert to identify this problem quickly. In efforts to preserve the Boxwood we are no longer planting Buxus suffruticosa and are limiting the use of American Boxwoods.
Enjoy your Summer, we have your residence covered on the outside and if you need extra help while you may be away vacationing let our Managers know and we will be happy to help.
Thanks so much for the business you have trusted us with.
Peter Copses
Vice President
As winners of over 275 awards, Gibbs Landscape Company offers a proven track record of creative, quality landscape design and maintenance. Our team of highly trained, qualified Landscape Architects and horticulturalist can design and maintain a landscape that will add value to your property for years to come. You deserve the best in landscape design/build and maintenance…you deserve Gibbs Landscape Company.