Happy New Year from everyone at Gibbs Landscape Company. January has been a month of extreme temperature fluctuations. Atlanta had temps in the teens and temps in the 70's. There were also periods of good rainfall. When this happens your landscapes sometimes become confused and you may see flowing trees and shrubs begin to look like they will bloom. Many types of perennials will try and come out of the ground as well. We expect that some of these plants may have less blooms in the spring and summer this year due to this. It's all a part of nature so do not worry when you see these types of things in your winter landscape.

Our maintenance crews have been carrying extra bags of fescue seed with them last month and this month to touch up bare areas in our fescue turf.
This month we will be applying pre-emergent to all bed areas and shrubs to combat weeds and additionally a slow release fertilizer. All shrubs will be sprayed with dormant oil to prevent and smother any eggs or insects that are harboring on the plants leaves or branches. This application will be repeated over the next two months. Using dormant oils is a green approach vs using traditional chemicals. Ornamental grasses and liriope will be cut back this month and finished prior to installing pine straw or mulch. Upon pine straw or mulch applications we will be redefining all bed lines. Pruning this month will consist of crape myrtles, burning bush and other non-winter flowering plants. Tree canopy thinning and small branch elevations can be done now. Heavy cutbacks of hollies and other shrubs typically occur towards the end of the month and carry on through mid April.
Please make sure you apply a thick layer of mulch or pine straw to your landscapes as soon as possible. This will really help insulate plant material from the cold and then from the heat they will begin experiencing in the spring.
Remember….the winter is one of the best times to have new landscapes installed. New material planted this time of year focuses on establishing their root systems. They do not have to worry about leaf support as deciduous trees and shrubs do not have leaves at this time and evergreen tree and shrub metabolisms are very slow this time of year. You also do not have to worry about watering your new installations.
Thanks to all our valued clients for trusting us with your business. We truly appreciate it.
Peter James Copses
Vice President
As winners of over 275 awards, Gibbs Landscape Company offers a proven track record of creative, quality landscape design and maintenance. Our team of highly trained, qualified Landscape Architects and horticulturalist can design and maintain a landscape that will add value to your property for years to come. You deserve the best in landscape design/build and maintenance…you deserve Gibbs Landscape Company.