July has left us with some scorching heat and little rainfall. August looks like it borrowed July's lesson plan and is still delivering the heat and lack of rainfall. We have had two consecutive years of mild summer months and now back to a summer for what Atlanta is known. What can we do for our landscapes to protect them from the summer heat?
Water. Sounds obvious but water helps the grass and plants by cooling the leaves and grass blades of plants and grasses. Of course it supplies water to the roots in which are necessary for survival, but the cooling effect known as "Syringing" cooling the plants atmosphere is extremely beneficial during these super hot 90 plus degree days.
Pine straw or mulch applied around the roots of the plants will help insulate the roots of the plants and help to retain moisture to the roots.

Afternoon wilt of Hydrangeas and other shrubs may be seen in direct afternoon heat. It is important to monitor the plants and make sure they are not in continue decline. Large leaf plants will wilt faster than small leaf plants due to the leaves having more surface area.
The Gibbs managers and crews are watching and maintaining the flower beds, keeping an eye on Begonias that are suffering from the excessive heat. Fungicides and fertilizers are being applied to all color beds.
Turf rounds are consisting of fertilizer for the warm season turf and broadleaf and nutsedge weeds are being controlled with a selective herbicide. Iron applications are also being applied to the fescue turf. Pre emergents are wearing off in the fescue turf as we are just 4-5 weeks away from aerate and over seeding.
This is typically the season for Army worms and grub worms to attack our turf. We are monitoring now and will continue over the next 6 - 8 weeks. Tent caterpillars have been spotted as well these past two weeks. We are scouting cherry trees and oak trees where the caterpillars like to build their nests. We are treating these chemically or if low enough, mechanically.
Thank you so much for your continued business and thank you for allowing us to maintain your landscapes.
The Gibbs Team
As winners of over 275 awards, Gibbs Landscape Company offers a proven track record of creative, quality landscape design and maintenance. Our team of highly trained, qualified Landscape Architects and horticulturalist can design and maintain a landscape that will add value to your property for years to come.
You deserve the best in landscape design/build and maintenance…you deserve Gibbs Landscape Company.